Grants in Singapore for HR Software: A Professional Guide

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Grants in Singapore for HR software are a great way to help businesses grow and improve their operations. With the rise of technology and the need for companies to stay competitive, HR software has become an essential tool for managing human resources. However, the cost of implementing such software can be prohibitive for many businesses.

Fortunately, the Singapore government offers a range of grants to help offset the cost of HR software implementation.

grants in singapore for hr software

Overview of Grants for HR Software in Singapore: The Singapore government offers several grants to help businesses implement HR software solutions. These grants are designed to help companies improve their productivity, streamline their operations, and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Some of the most popular grants include the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG), and the Innovation and Capability Voucher (ICV). These grants offer funding support for a wide range of HR software solutions, including payroll management, employee engagement, and talent management.

Key Takeaways

  • The Singapore government offers several grants to help businesses implement HR software solutions.
  • Eligibility criteria for HR software grants vary depending on the grant program.
  • Businesses can maximize their benefits from HR software grants by choosing pre-approved software solutions and following best practices for implementation.

Overview of Grants for HR Software in Singapore

Overview of Grants for HR Software in Singapore

We understand that navigating the grant landscape for HR software in Singapore can be overwhelming. Therefore, we have compiled an overview of the key grants available to assist businesses in adopting HR software solutions. These grants aim to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and improve workforce management.

Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is a vital initiative that supports Singaporean companies in adopting IT solutions to enhance business operations. Specifically, the grant facilitates the adoption of HR software to automate and streamline HR processes.

Eligible businesses can receive funding support to defray the costs of implementing HR management systems, payroll software, e-leave, e-claim, and appraisal solutions. We recommend exploring PSG-approved vendors such as Opensoft HR and HRMLABS to leverage this grant effectively.

Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is another valuable resource for businesses seeking to implement HR software solutions. It supports projects that help companies upgrade their business, innovate or venture overseas, including the adoption of HR management systems.

This grant provides funding support for qualifying expenses such as consultancy, training, and the acquisition of technology and equipment. Businesses can leverage the EDG to enhance their HR capabilities and improve workforce management.

SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)

The SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) is designed to encourage employers to invest in the skills development of their employees and support business transformation. While not specific to HR software, the credit can be utilized to upskill HR professionals in leveraging advanced HR technologies and software.

By enhancing the digital capabilities of HR teams, businesses can optimize HR processes and achieve greater productivity. We hope this overview provides valuable insights into the available grants for HR software in Singapore, empowering businesses to make informed decisions to enhance their HR capabilities.

Eligibility Criteria for HR Software Grants

Eligibility Criteria for HR Software Grants

As what do human resources do in Singapore, we understand that HR software can be a significant investment especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

That’s why we want to help our clients take advantage of government grants, such as the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), that can offset some of the costs of implementing HR software. In this section, we’ll go over the eligibility criteria for HR software grants in Singapore.

Local Shareholding Requirements

To be eligible for HR software grants, your company must have a minimum of 30% local shareholding. This means that at least 30% of the company’s shares must be held by Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents. If your company meets this requirement, you can proceed to the next step of the eligibility criteria.

Annual Sales Turnover and Employment Size

The PSG is available to companies with an annual sales turnover of less than S$100 million OR less than 200 employees (for selected solutions only). If your company meets either of these criteria, you are eligible to apply for HR software grants.

Qualifying Costs and Supportable Solutions

The PSG provides funding support of up to 50% of qualifying costs for HR software solutions that have been pre-scoped by the government. These solutions include but are not limited to:

  • Payroll software
  • Leave management software
  • Attendance tracking software
  • Performance management software

It’s important to note that the PSG only covers the cost of off-the-shelf solutions. Customized solutions are not eligible for funding.

At, we offer HR software solutions that are pre-scoped by the government and eligible for PSG funding. Our solutions are designed to help SMEs in Singapore streamline their HR processes and improve their productivity. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take advantage of HR software grants in Singapore.

Application Process for HR Software Grants

Application Process for HR Software Grants

At our company, we understand the importance of securing grants for HR software in Singapore. The application process involves several key steps and requirements that we are committed to guiding you through.

Business Grants Portal (BGP) Registration

First and foremost, the initial step in applying for HR software grants is to register on the Business Grants Portal (BGP). This portal serves as a centralized platform for businesses to apply for various grants, including the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for HR software.

PSG Application Checklist

Once registered on the BGP, businesses need to ensure they have all the necessary documentation and information required for the PSG application. Our team will provide you with a comprehensive checklist to ensure that your application meets all the necessary criteria.

Required Documentation and Quotations

To support your PSG application, it is essential to prepare the required documentation and quotations. This includes details such as your Corppass account, company information, proposed HR software solution, and quotations from pre-approved vendors. Our experts will assist you in compiling and organizing these documents to facilitate a smooth application process.

Pre-Approved HR Software Solutions

Pre-Approved HR Software Solutions

At our company, we understand that finding the right HR software solution for your business and what to look for when buying hr software can be a daunting task. That’s why we want to make it easier for Singapore companies to adopt IT solutions to improve their business processes.

We are proud to be a pre-approved vendor under the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for HR software solutions.

List of Pre-Approved Vendors

Our company is not the only pre-approved vendor under the PSG. There are several other vendors that have been vetted and approved by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Some of the other pre-approved vendors include Frontier e-HR Pte Ltd, QuickHR, and HRMLABS. These vendors offer a range of HR software solutions that are eligible for funding under the PSG.

IT Solutions and Equipment Covered

The PSG covers a range of IT solutions and equipment that are designed to enhance business processes. Eligible companies can claim up to 50% of the cost of the solution or equipment, up to a maximum of S$30,000 per company. The PSG covers a range of solutions including HR software, payroll software, e-leave management systems, and more.

At our company, we offer a range of HR software solutions that are eligible for funding under the PSG. Our software solutions include payroll management, e-leave management, e-claim management, and appraisal management. Our solutions are designed to help businesses streamline their HR processes, reduce administrative burdens, and improve overall productivity.

In conclusion, the PSG is a great opportunity for Singapore companies to adopt IT solutions and equipment to enhance their business processes. As a pre-approved vendor under the PSG, we are committed to providing high-quality HR software solutions that are eligible for funding. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and how we can help your business grow.

Maximizing Benefits from HR Software Grants

Maximizing Benefits from HR Software Grants

At QuickHR, we understand that HR software grants can be a game-changer for many businesses in Singapore. With the right HR software, businesses can streamline their HR processes, boost productivity, and improve HR operational efficiency.

However, to maximize the benefits of HR software grants, businesses need to know how to integrate HR software with their business operations and leverage grants for HR operational efficiency.

Integrating HR Software with Business Operations

Integrating HR software with business operations is essential to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency. By integrating HR software with business operations, businesses can automate HR processes, reduce manual work, and eliminate errors. This can help businesses save time, reduce costs, and improve accuracy.

At QuickHR, we offer an award-winning HR software that is specifically designed to integrate with business operations seamlessly. Our HR software is customizable, scalable, and flexible, making it easy for businesses to integrate it with their existing systems. With QuickHR, businesses can automate HR processes such as payroll, leave management, and employee data management, among others.

Leveraging Grants for HR Operational Efficiency

Leveraging grants for HR operational efficiency is critical to maximizing the benefits of HR software grants. With the right grants, businesses can access funding support to implement HR software, train employees, and improve HR operational efficiency. This can help businesses reduce costs and improve productivity.

At QuickHR, we help businesses leverage government grants such as the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) to implement our HR software. PSG provides funding support for up to 80% of eligible costs for local SMEs. With PSG, businesses can access up to $30,000 in funding support to improve their HR operational efficiency.

Our HR software is pre-approved under PSG, making it easy for businesses to access funding support and implement our HR software. In conclusion, integrating HR software with business operations and leveraging grants for HR operational efficiency can help businesses maximize the benefits of HR software grants.

At QuickHR, we offer an award-winning HR software that is customizable, scalable, and flexible, making it easy for businesses to integrate it with their existing systems. We also help businesses leverage government grants such as PSG to access funding support and improve their HR operational efficiency.

Sector-Specific HR Software Grant Opportunities

Sector-Specific HR Software Grant Opportunities

At, we understand that different industries have unique HR software needs. To cater to this, the Singapore government offers sector-specific grants for HR software implementation. These grants are designed to help businesses in specific sectors to streamline their HR processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

Retail and Food Services

The retail and food services sector is a vital component of the Singaporean economy. To support businesses in this sector, the government offers grants for HR software implementation. These grants cover up to 80% of the cost of implementing HR software solutions that enhance productivity, such as payroll management, scheduling, and attendance tracking.

Logistics and Precision Engineering

The logistics and precision engineering sector is a critical component of Singapore’s economy, with many businesses in this sector facing challenges in managing their HR processes. To address this, the government offers grants for HR software implementation that cover up to 70% of the cost.

These grants can help businesses improve their HR processes, such as leave management, performance tracking, and recruitment.

Security and Early Childhood

The security and early childhood sector is another important component of the Singaporean economy. To support businesses in this sector, the government offers grants for HR software implementation that cover up to 50% of the cost. These grants can help businesses improve their HR processes, such as attendance tracking, scheduling, and leave management.

In conclusion, businesses in Singapore can benefit from sector-specific HR software grants offered by the government. These grants can help businesses streamline their HR processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. At, we are committed to helping businesses in Singapore take advantage of these grants and implement HR software solutions that meet their unique needs.

Additional Resources and Support

Additional Resources and Support

At, we understand that adopting new HR software can be a daunting task for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). That’s why we want to make sure that you have all the resources and support you need to make the transition as smooth as possible.

In addition to the grants available for HR software adoption, there are other resources and services that can help you along the way.

GoBusiness Gov Assist Platform

The GoBusiness Gov Assist platform is a one-stop portal for businesses to access government assistance schemes and services. It provides information on various grants, including the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), as well as consultancy and training services.

The platform also offers a self-assessment tool that can help you identify the areas of your business that can benefit from digital solutions.

Consultancy and Training Services

There are many consultancy and training services available that can help you with the adoption of HR software. Enterprise Singapore provides a list of approved consultants and training providers that can help you with the implementation of digital solutions.

These consultants can provide advice on selecting the right HR software for your business, as well as help you with the implementation and training of your staff.

In addition, many HR software vendors offer consultancy and training services as part of their package. These services can help you with the customization of the software to meet your specific needs and provide training to your staff to ensure that they can use the software effectively.

Overall, there are many resources and services available to help you with the adoption of HR software in Singapore. Whether you need help with selecting the right software, implementation, or training, there are many professionals available to help you along the way.

At, we are committed to providing you with the support you need to make the transition to digital solutions as smooth as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

grants in singapore for hr software Frequently Asked Questions

What criteria must a company meet to be eligible for the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) in Singapore?

To be eligible for the PSG in Singapore, a company must be registered and operating in Singapore, have a minimum of 30% local shareholding, and be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project. Additionally, the company must not have received funding for the same project from another government agency.

Are there specific grants available for implementing HR software in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore?

Yes, the PSG is available for SMEs to implement HR software in Singapore. The PSG covers up to 80% of the qualifying costs, including software and equipment, subject to a funding cap of SGD 30,000 per company per year.

Can HR software with integrated payroll functions be subsidized under any Singaporean government grants?

Yes, HR software with integrated payroll functions can be subsidized under the PSG. The PSG covers up to 80% of the qualifying costs, including software and equipment, subject to a funding cap of SGD 30,000 per company per year.

What cybersecurity considerations are taken into account for grants related to HR software in Singapore?

The Singaporean government has implemented a cybersecurity framework to ensure that all software solutions funded by the government are secure and compliant with data protection regulations. Companies that receive PSG funding for HR software must comply with these regulations and ensure that their software solutions are secure.

How does Frontier Software align with the grants available for HR system enhancements in Singapore?

Frontier Software is a leading provider of HR software solutions in Singapore, and our solutions are eligible for PSG funding. We offer a comprehensive suite of HR software solutions that can help companies improve their HR processes and increase productivity.

Does the PSG grant cover the purchase of hardware, such as laptops, for use with HR software?

Yes, the PSG grant covers the purchase of hardware, such as laptops, for use with HR software. However, the hardware must be directly related to the implementation of the HR software solution and cannot be used for other purposes.


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